Prof. Dr. Peter D. MacIntyre (Cape Breton University, Canada)
Mixed methods studies are becoming increasingly popular in many of the fields that study people, including psychology, nursing, education, business, communication, and applied linguistics to name a few. Over the years there has been a tension between qualitative and quantitative researchers, with some exaggerated claims being made about the quality of the research process from both sides of the debate. Yet quantitative and qualitative methods are, in many ways, two sides of the same coin. Done well, the strengths of each method go a long way toward compensating for the weaknesses in the other method.
Therein lays the promise of mixed methods research. Practice, however, often falls short of promise, as researchers struggle to cope with demands to use unfamiliar methods. Participants at this highly interactive workshop will learn about the strengths and limitations of mixed methods research, from a pragmatic orientation. The discussion of integrating quantitative and qualitative methods will emphasize how to do it well and some of the pitfalls to avoid in planning and presenting research. The workshop will begin with a personal account of the presenter's experience with mixed methods, as a teacher of methodology courses, researcher, and reviewer. The presenter will discuss:
- An overview of selected methods
- Fair criticisms and misconceptions about quantitative research
- Fair criticisms and misconceptions about qualitative research
- Framing the integration of methods: Lessons from the Ryoanji Garden
- An example of a specific mixed method approach: Developing the idiodynamic method to study rapidly changing affect.
Following the overview, participants will consider an example research question from a mixed methods design. Emphasis will be placed on anticipating critique of the finished research project. Before concluding the workshop, we will discuss applications of mixed methods to participants' specific research projects or ideas.
Zielgruppe: Faculty, Graduate Students and Senior undergrates with an interest in blending quantitative and qualitative methods; prior mixed methods experience is not necessary.
Termin: 02.06.2014 (09:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00)
Ort: SZ 15.22 (Resowi, Universitätsstraße 15, Bauteil G, 2. OG)
Anmeldung: per E-Mail an , limitierte TeilnehmerInnenzahl